Monday, February 22, 2010

everything old is new again (or vice versa)

OK, so this blog was supposed to be my big experiment, an online documentation of my attempt to lose weight by altering my eating habits. Turns out ... it's been proven. Thanks a lot, New York Times, for destroying my blogging aspirations.

But, being such a big fan of Darwin (and evolution in general), I've decided to adapt. Instead of seeing if I can do it, I'm going to assume that I can and will do it. In the meantime, I'll post recipes and pictures of food for my friends (and whatever other poor souls stumble in ... I hope y'all like parenthetical statements and LotR references). Oh, and I guess I'll post links and book reviews and that sort of thing, when relevant.

Why even bother, you ask? Well, I like hearing myself type. Also, I'm always surprised when other people are surprised about the fact that I can cook. First of all, I don't think I'm some culinary wizard. I think that if you can follow Lego directions and put together a little airplane made of plastic bricks, you can follow a recipe. And I follow recipes. I've been living on my own for 2+ years and I'm still not at a level where I'm comfortable with just going to the market, picking up what looks good and tossing it together to create a meal. I need to plan a menu, read a recipe, write down what I need, and then go shopping. Baby steps, though, right?

Secondly, I think that if I can do it, you can do it. In other words, I'm hoping that with enticing pictures and step-by-step instructions (free from grammar and spelling errors, of course), I can encourage others to step away from the TV dinner and eat some real food. I'm not a chef, I've never taken any kind of cooking class, and am not on TV. I'm a regular person with a regular full-time job (saving the world one comma at a time), and yet I can still find the time to get my cooking on. I hope you're interested enough to check back :)

In the meantime, here's a picture of my food smiling at me:

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